Sunday, October 16, 2016

02 October, 2016 (Joel Davis)

Well, it’s a day late, but better late than never. I started this day off with high hopes and a list of all the stuff that I needed to get done. We started the day with cinnamon rolls and eggs with sausage. It wasn’t until I started eating that I realized just how long it had been since I had cinnamon rolls, way too long. Feeling full and ready to conquer my list of chores for the day, I dove straight in with my LOW team to finish typing up our plan for the rest of the week. This took a bit longer that expected as we decided to shuffle some things around as we finished it up. Before we knew it, it was lunch time. Lunch was simple with yogurt, fruit, and granola that everyone could mix to their hearts content. After lunch the LOW team sat down to discuss our plan for the week with Jeff and Ryan. They pointed out that we had over looked one very important aspect, the weather. After having gone over what the weather was predicted to look like with them, they left us alone to rework our plan for the week. Knowing how important Yellowstone was to everyone, both academically and personally, we decided to see how we could work around the weather and still stay in Yellowstone. Just before dinner we presented our new plan to Jeff and he informed us that the weather would make staying in Yellowstone all week miserable, to say the least. We all met up for dinner just in time to have to scramble to try and prepare for the rain that was coming in to late. With the rain we had our second thunderstorm of the trip. They seem to know just when to come around in order to disrupt out meals. After the storm passed we all for out of the van to try to clean up camp and finish our talk we were having in the van about how the weather was going to affect out week. Jeff took this time to inform us that we were in no way prepared to handle a week in the freezing temperatures and snow. After this it was back to bring up formerly decided against ideas for the LOW team. What a day! After finally having come up with a plan that we think is best for the group it was time to move onto my personal chores. First and foremost on the list laundry, after all you never know when the next time you’ll get to do some is. I got most of my homework done while my laundry ran, the rest I should be able to get done in the van tomorrow. For now, I do believe that my pillow is calling my name.

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