Saturday, September 24, 2016

02 September, 2016 (Joel Davis)

Today started off kind of crummy weather wise. It was cold and so foggy you couldn’t see more than 30 yards off shore. To psych myself up to face the day I had a big bowl of coco-wheats. Unfortunately I couldn’t find my sugar to sweeten it up. Liv and Mariah were able to swoop in to my rescue and provide sugar and butter. I top these barely rescued coco-wheats off with coffee and then it’s time to face the rough morning. We are cursed with fog but blessed with little to no winds as we cross the Missinaibi Lake. We reached Red Granite Point with no issues and stopped so that the nav. boat could get a bearing. Jeff wasn’t very happy that they hadn’t planned ahead and gotten a bearing beforehand, but it couldn’t be helped by that point. As we started our paddle across the main body of the lake we could hear a motor boat, so Jeff told us we needed to stay close together since it wouldn’t be able to see us. There was only one motor boat though, and we made it across just fine. By the time we were across the lake, most of the fog had lifted and we could actually see where we were going now. As we were rounding Fairy Point, we stopped to check out the pictographs and for Liv to do her interpretation. It was my first time seeing some in person too. it was a pretty cool experience, even if I couldn’t tell what half of it was supposed to be. After stopping for the pictographs we set off for camp. It seems the LOW’s misread the map and lead us into the wrong bay at first. Luckily the correct bay with our campsite was just a half mile away from this bay. After arriving at the Maze, our campsite, and getting camp sites picked out, we took a break to set up and get lunch. After the lunch break was over we all settled down for some lessons. Tommy got to show us his other knot, the surgeons knot. He messed up how it’s supposed to be tied at first, but quickly corrected his mistake.  After that Jeff had us take the ELSA inventory and taught us about four more leadership styles. This brought a close to the lessons for the day. We then had a few hours to ourselves for dinner before debrief and Liv’s life story. Dinner was stir-fry mixed with mashed potatoes. Oh boy was it great! After dinner we had a shorter debrief followed by Liv’s life story. Hearing all about someone’s life can really make you see just how amazing of a person they truly are. After Liv’s life story we were free to do as we pleased. It got chilly real quick, but at least there is another great night sky to look at.

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